This article has the following sections. A Ritzian Interpretation of Variable Stars Non-pulsating Cepheid Variables Ritzian Gamma-Ray Bursts Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Modeling Geminga Unsung Binaries and de Sitter's Whimsical Images? GRB 790731 and omega Geminorum Modeling GemingaInstalled 5 Nov 2000 - Latest update, 21 Sep 2012.
Right Ascension
The light curve of the Geminga gamma-ray pulsar is double-peaked (with an interior bridge). It's repetition period is about 1/4 second (0.237 sec) and at least one neutron star is thought to be involved in the production of the pulse train. Here is the NASA/GSFC EGRET lightcurve of Geminga. ![]() Credit: P. Sreekumar (NASA/GSFC) Below are computer modeling printouts for a Ritzian relativity process which may be responsible for Geminga's unique light curve. The printouts show light and apparent radial velocity curves for a single visible component of a close binary star system with an extinction distance of 1.5 times the Ritz-de Sitter overtaking distance (Lo). (An extinction distance on the order of 2.5 Lo will be needed to more properly approximate the Geminga light curve.)
The orbit being modeled has an eccentricity of 0.2 and print-outs are made for perihelion angles decremented in 90 degree steps. (Orbit eccentricities are exaggerated in the figures.)
Recommended reading.[pdf] GLAST Exploring - Exploring the high-energy gamma-ray universe