Think Tank - The Fires of Canneto di Caronia (Part 2)
(Working Papers)
Part 1 |
Part 2
11 April 2004 - Kathy Parker - Canneto di Caronia--And Ley Lines
After reading another article about these fires I was wondering what about
the idea of "Ley Lines". A friend of mine has told me about this type or
energy tho I am not very familiar with this term. Just an idea. Very
intriguing situation.
["Ley" is reported to be a Saxon word which means "meadow" or "cleared ground." (Cross-country
cleared strips of land associated with buried pipe lines come to mind.) If some ley lines should turn
out to be associated with earthquake fault lines then there might be a Canneto connection. Ionized
gases being forced to the surface from a subterranean fault line might produce electrical and/or
magnetic surface anomalies. Does any reader have knowledge of ley lines on Sicily? If so, do any of
them pass through Canneto di Caronia? The earthquake fault line that extends NW from Mt. Etna,
in the general direction of Caronia, might be a candidate. Here are two links to historical articles
about ley lines.
http://www.acemake.com/PaulDevereux/leylines.html and
http://www.geocities.com/annafranklin2/ley.html] [Links need update. 15 Feb 2016]
Friday, 16 Apr 2004 - Copied from
Science & Mathematics - [Slightly edited.]
[Thread starts with a link to a Reuters story on msnbc news about the fires of Canneto,
supplied by dlowan, who asks, "Anyone got any explanations for this one?]
Farmerman writes: "I cannot discount satanic activity but, [in the absense of] any definitive
evidence, I'll venture a guess, based on Acquiunks view. The eastern massifs of Sicily connect
the underground of Mt. Etna by major NE-SW running shallow faults. East of these massifs
are a series of carbonate reefs and Eocene [beds] that are gas and oil fields.
I'd venture another guess that sulfurous gases from the volcano are forming Carbon disulfide
from methanogenesis (bug poop). Carbon disulfide, [when formed] naturally is not stinky, in fact
it's rather sweet smelling. Since we use this stuff to make rayon and rubber, we add some
more of the Thio (mercaptan) compounds that make it smell like H2S (rotten eggs). So, this
self igniting real estate problem may be a forewarning of an eruption by overpressured gases
being forced upward and collecting in houses. The people wouldn't notice it, in fact they'd
like the smell and, since CS2 is heavier than air, it collects in traps and basements and is
HIGHLY explosive.
Now I'm just pulling this from my [ ], having worked at the Trecate oil fields on
mainland Italy. We often had sulfurous gases (sour gas, more H2S really) that needed scrubbing.
And Etna is not a quiet eruptive volcano like in Hawaii. It builds up [a] head of steam, and then
blows. I'm sure a bunch of geoscientists are over there checking this possibility very carefully.
If they're not saying [what has been found], it's because they don't want to alarm anyone.
A few posts down Acquiunk [Connecticut, USA] says. " I ran into the guy in the geology
department who's area [of expertise] is basalts and the chemical processes of volcanic eruptions, and
brought this subject up. He also hypothesized sulfurous CO1. He also said the department has someone
over there looking at this right now. I don't know what that means as he declined to be more specific,
but it makes me wonder.
Then farmerman says, "Etna used to be a tholeitic(*) type volcano.
Now its a more explosive kind, with high permeabilities in the pyroclastic
material. I looked up some constants from geophysical measurements and
the permeabilities of the pyroclastic materials are like up to 1000 m/day.
That's good for gas migration.
[This input was installed on 1 May 2004.]
(*) Tholeitic -
On the magma classification spectrum
(felsic, intermediate,
and ultra-mafic), felsic magmas are the least-dense/most-viscous and
ultra-mafic magmas are the most-dense/least-viscous. (From
Monroe and Wicander, Physical Geology, Fifth Edition,
Thomson-Brooks/Cole (2005), Page 71.) Tholeitc magmas are classified
as intermediate and mafic.
[Added 05 Mar 2006. Modified 10 Mar 2006.]
28 June 2004
A 12 Feb 2004 article in Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country is
about the Canneto fires. An update in the article describes similar
happenings, reported by Fortean Times, in Venice, Italy, back in
February of 1990.
http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/spontaneous-fires-break-out-italy-update-it-happened Before
- - - - -
In February 2005 the author gave a talk about the Canneto Fires to the
Engineering and Physics division at the annual meeting of the Mississippi
Academy of Sciences (MAS), at Oxford, MS. On 30 Mar 2005 the MAS
administrator received a request from Mr. Aldo Barbagallo in Italy for more
details on the talk. Based on that request, the author referred Mr.
Barbagallo to the Canneto webpages. The following email is his response.
[Added 20 Mar 2006.]
04 Apr 2005
From: Aldo Barbagallo
To: Robert Fritzius
I read your report and I want to report my impressions.
I was born in Sicily, and specialized in geotechnical engineering at the
University of Palermo. Now I live in Rome.
Did you know that during the excavation of a tunnel in the northern coast of
Sicily (not far from Canneto) some volcanic gas originating from Stromboli
was found?
So, I think that your hypothesis of a volcanic duct or dike connecting Etna
to Canneto is quite realistic.
As you certainly know, there are three main areas of volcanic interest in
1. the Strombolian area
2. the Etna area
3. the Pantelleria area (including Graham island, [which] appeared and
disappeared in about 1850)
If the first and the second could connect (e.g. at Canneto) this would be a
major volcanic event, like generating a supervolcano. There are no signals
at the moment, but the Etna area, well monitored, does not include areas
like Canneto.
Best regards.
Aldo Barbagallo
[Added 20 Mar 2006.]
Map of Sicily showing areas of vocanic interest
A cross-section of the Canneto area showing the A20
tunnels can be seen in Part 4 of
the basic article.
[Added 31 Oct 2007.]
05 Apr 2005
From: Robert Fritzius
To: Aldo Barbagallo
Dear Aldo
I did not know about the Stromboli gas but had wondered if the nearby new
highway construction (with tunnels) might be a factor.
Bob Fritzius
[Added 20 Mar 2006.]
08 Mar 2006
The author "held off" on using the Stromboli gas information in these pages
for nearly a year because there has been no (as far as he knows) public
announcement (at least, In English) from any official or news source about
it. Mr. Barbagallo says, in a 02 Mar 2006 email, that he shares my
caution about delaying publication of the information.
[Added 20 Mar 2006.]
20 Mar 2006
From: Aldo Barbagallo
To: Robert Fritzius
Dear Bob,
It is all right to put a copy of our correspondence [on the Think Tank pages].
Has anybody done some measures of radon and carbon dioxide in Canneto? The
trend in degassification is important to judge whether or not the phenomenon
is decreasing. Near Caronia there is a place called "contrada Fetente"
known for its emission of sulphur gas. In addition, there are the
exhalations of Panarea and Stromboli. As a diver, I have personally
experienced that gas emissions are visible throughout the Aeolian islands.
Aldo Barbagallo