Information for this file was collected by using the Computer Assisted Information Retreival (CAIRS)
and by trolling the Journals stacks at the Mitchell Memorial Library at Mississippi State
University. Cited sources provided additional entries.
Papers in the index have been checked in the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS). Those found, have been marked by "ADS ." Articles not found in the ADS are noted by "OOO" or by an appropriate pointer to another online source. Where available, the Year-Volume-Page information at the left hand side of the index has been replaced with NASA ADS bibliographic codes (for example: 1961AnPhy..13..379Y). Here, the Journal name is represented by an abbreviation. In this example "AnPhy" corresponds to "Annals of Physics." If the abstract and other related information is available through the ADS abstract service query form it has been so noted by the "ADS" entry. This process is nearly complete. Included in the index are references to a limited number of bremsstrahlung related papers. These are intended to give pointers to the larger picture. For example, electrical discharges in gases involves electrons and ions colliding with each other and producing visible and ultraviolet emissions. To the author, these processes amount to low energy versions of bremsstrahlung and characteristic spectra generation. Also, some gamma-ray production processes may be forms of bremsstrahlung in higher energy (nuclear turmoil) regimes. [Added 27 Mar 2010. Revised 12 Apr 2010.] Listing order is by Journal, Year, Volume, Page, Author(s), and Titles.
External link abbreviations ADS Astrophysics Data System AJR American Journal of Radiology AJS American Journal of Science GB Google Books IW JST JSTOR NAT Nature Archives PRO Physical Review Online PROLA SPR Springer A Acta Physica Austrica 1966.......23...76A Aiginger, Zinke.......OOO American Journal of Roentgenology 1986......147..850D DiSantis..............AJR Early American Radiology, The Pioneer Years American Journal of Science 1896........1..235w Wright................AJS Experiments upon the cathode rays and their effects 1907.......23...91A Adams.................AJS A spectrum of the Roentgen rays from a focus tube and the relative selective absorption of Roentgen rays in certain metals; A preliminary note Annalen der Physik (AnP) 1896AnP...295..346M Mauritius.............ADS Versuche mit Röntgenstrahlen 1896AnP...295..592R Richarz...............ADS Ueber Wirkung der Röntgenstrahlen auf den Dampfstrahl 1896AnP...296..478B Brandes, Dorn.........ADS Ueber die Sichtbarkeit der Röntgenstrahlen 1897AnP...297..330P Precht................ADS Untersuchungen über Kathoden- und Röntgenstrahlen 1897AnP...299..160D Dorn..................ADS Ueber die erwärmende Wirkung der Röntgen-strahlen 1898AnP...300...18R Röntgen...............ADS Weitere Beobachtungen über die Eigenschaften der X-Strahlen 1898AnP...300..620D Dorn..................ADS Zur Sichtbarkeit der Röntgenstrahlen 1898AnP...301..453G Graetz................ADS Versuche über die Polarisirbarkeit der Röntgen-strahlen 1898AnP...302...65V von Geitler...........ADS Über die Verschiedenheit der physikalischen Natur der Kathodenstrahlen und der Röntgenstrahlen 1898AnP...302...74W Walter................ADS Ueber die Natur der Röntgenstrahlen 1898AnP...302.1009S Starke................ADS Ueber die Wirkung der Röntgenstrahlen auf die Funkenentladung 1899AnP...304..884H Haga, Wind............ADS Die Beugung der Röntgenstrahlen 1899AnP...304..896W Wind..................ADS Ueber die Deutung der Beugungserscheinungen bei Röntgenstrahlen 1899AnP...304..903M Maier.................ADS Beugungsversuche und der Wellenlängenbestimmung der Röntgenstrahlen 1899AnP...305..327W Wind..................ADS Ueber die Deutung der Beugungserscheinungen bei Röntgenstrahlen 1900AnP...307..757W Winkelmann............ADS Einwirkung einer Funkenstrecke auf die Entstehung von Röntgenstrahlen 1900AnP...308...75S Starke................ADS Ueber die Reflexion der Kathodenstrahlen 1900AnP...308..101S Starke................ADS Notiz über die mechanische Wirkung der Kathodenstrahlen 1905AnP...322..381B Becker................ADS Messungen an Kathodenstrahlen 1906AnP...325..677M Marx..................ADS Geschwindigkeit der Röntgenstrahlen 1907AnP...328..439H Haga..................ADS Über die Polarisation der Röntgenstrahlen und der Sekundärstrahlen 1907AnP...328..___S Schmidt............... 1908AnP...330..715W Walter, Pohl..........ADS Zur Frage der Beugung der Röntgenstrahlen 1908Anp...332..301S Seitz.................ADS Über Röntgenstrahlen und das Röntgensche Absorptionsgesetz 1909AnP...334..398H Herweg................ADS Über die Polarisation der Röntgenstrahlen 1918AnP...362..401W Wagner................ADS Spektraluntersuchungen an Röntgenstrahlen. Über die Messung der Planckschen Quantenkonstante h aus dem zur Erzeugung homogener Bremsstrahlung notwendigen Minimumpotential 1921AnP...369..625B Becker, Holthusen.....ADS Über die Trägererzeugung hochfrequenter Wellenstrahlung in abgeschlossenen Gasräumen 1921AnP...370..310K Kretschmann...........ADS Über die Wirkung des Planckschen Oszillators auf die spektrale Energieverteilung des Strahlungsfeldes 1922AnP...374..548K Kuhlenkampff..........ADS Über das kontinuierliche Röntgenspektrum 1923AnP no journal on shelf 1924AnP no journal on shelf 1925AnP no journal on shelf Under construction. 1926AnP no journal on shelf 1927AnP no journal on shelf 1928AnP no journal on shelf 1929AnP...393..---- Start of new "short haul" volume numbers 1930AnP...397..325B Bethe.................ADS Zur Theorie des Durchgangs schneller Korpuskularstrahlen durch Materie 1931AnP...401..217S Sauter................ADS Über den atomaren Photoeffekt bei großer Härte der anregenden Strahlung 1931AnP...403..257S Sommerfeld............ADS Über die Beugung und Bremsung der Elektronen 1932AnP...405..137S Scherzer..............ADS Über die Ausstrahlung bei der Bremsung von Protonen und schnellen Elektronen 1934Anp...412..404S Sauter................ADS Über die Bremsstrahlung schneller Elektronen 1934AnP...413..367S Stueckelberg..........ADS Relativistisch invariante Störungstheorie des Diracschen Elektrons I. Teil: Streustrahlung und Bremsstrahlung 1937AnP...421..715S Sommerfeld............ADS Über die Form der Comptonlinie. I 1939AnP...426..178E Elwert................ADS Verschärfte Berechnung von Intensität und Polarisation im kontinuierlichen Röntgenspektrum1 1940AnP 1941AnP 1942AnP 1943AnP 1944AnP Under construction. 1945AnP 1946AnP 1947AnP 1948AnP 1949AnP 1950AnP 1951AnP...444..373B Blunck................ADS Über den Einfluß der Elektronendiffusion auf die räumliche Verteilung der Röntgenbremsstrahlung Annals of Physics (AnPhy) 1961AnPhy..13..379Y Yennie, Frautschi, Suura.................ADS Infrared divergence phenomena and high- energy processes 1969AnPhy..52...59C Czyz, Maximon.........ADS High energy, small angle elastic scattering of strongly interacting composite particles 1978AnPhy.110...63S Schwinger, Tsai.......ADS New approach to quantum corrections in synchrotron radiation Arkiv For Fysik 1956.......10..467N Nilsson...............OOO 1957.......12..569C Claesson..............OOO Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) 1924ApJ....59..259A Alter.................ADS REVIEW: X-Rays by G. W. C. Kaye 1986ApJ...311..474H Heristchi.............ADS Hard X-ray and gamma-ray bremsstrahlung production by high-energy protons in solar flares Atomnaya Energiya 1962.......12..193A Ado, Belovinstsev, Stolyarov.............OOO At. Data Nucl. Data Tables (ADNDT) 1977ADNDT..20..175P Pratt, Tseng, Lee, Kissel, MacCallum, Riley.................ADS Bremsstrahlung Energy Spectra from Electrons of Kinetic Energy 1 keV <= T1 <= 2000 keV Incident on Neutral Atoms 2 <= Z <= 92 1981ADNDT..26..477P Pratt, Tseng, Lee, Kissel, MacCallum, Riley.................OOO 1983ADNDT..28..381K Kissel, Quarles, Pratt.................ADS Shape Functions for Atomic-Field Bremsstrahlung from Electrons of Kinetic Energy 1-500 keV onSelected Neutral Atoms 1 <= Z <= 92 Australian Journal of Physics (AuJPh) 1954AuJPh...7..527M Muirhead, Mather......ADS Polarization of Bremsstrahlung B Books 1899 Harper's Scientific Memoirs III - Röntgen Rays, Ed. George F. Barker 3-39R Röntgen...............GB 43-65S Stokes................GB 69-72T Thompson..............GB 1981 Parameterization of the bremsstrahlung spectrum Feng, Pratt...........GB British Journal of Applied Physics (BJAP) 1952BJAP....3..214L Lawson................ADS Radiation intensity from high energy accelerators 1958BJAP....9...85G Grunberg..............ADS SPECIAL ARTICLE: A survey of exo-electron emission phenomena Bulletin of the National Research Council (Washington) 1920........1 Pt 7 Bergman, Davis?.......OOO 1920........1 Pt 7 Webster...............OOO Bureau of Standards Journal of Research 1929........2..837N Nicholas..............OOO C Case Studies in Atomic Physics 1975........5...47A Amusia, Cherepkov.....OOO Chem. Physics Letters (CPL) 1985CPL...122..157E Estep, Quarles........ADS Molecular-field brems in n-butane and isobutane Comments on Atomic & Molecular Physics 1978........8....1G Gavrila, van der Wiel..........OOO 1981.......10..121P Pratt.................OOO 1982.......11..123A Amusia................OOO Comptes Rendus 1896......Fev Benoist, Hurmuzescu...OOO 1897......Jan Benoist...............OOO 1916......163..754L Ledoux-Lebard, Dauviller.............OOO 1920......170..274B Brillouin.............OOO 1939......208...99P Pontecor(rg), Lazard..OOO Computer Physics Communications (CoPhC) 1971CoPhC...2..107L Liberman, Cromer, Waber.................ADS Field program for atoms Conferences International Conference on High-Energy Physics at CERN. 1962 Jul 4-11 Geneva, Switzerland 1962hep..conf..219Y Yennie................ADS On the possible use of bremsstrahlung to study high energy interactions 1968 Sep 10-14 Physics of the One- and Two-Electron Atoms, Proceedings of the Arnold Sommerfeld Centennial Memorial Meeting and of the International Symposium on the Physics of the One- and Two-Electron Atoms, Munich. 1969pote.conf..854E Elwert................ADS X-radiation of the sun Eleventh International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases 1973 Sep 10-14 Prague, Czechoslovakia 1973pig..conf..408D Dijatchkov, Kobzev, Norman................ADS Effect of resonance states on the electron- neutral-atom bremsstrahlung 9th International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, IX ICPEAC, 1975 Jul 24-30 Seattle, WN, USA 1975peac.conf..319D Delvaille, Schnopper..ADS Continuum X-Ray Processes in Heavy Ion Collisions 1975peac.conf..321S Sohval, Delvaille, Schnopper.............ADS Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for Continuum X-Ray Processes in Heavy Ion Collisions 10th International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC X. 1977 Paris, France 1977peac.conf.1203W Wendin................ADS On the 5s, 5p X-ray photoelectron spectrum in Xe 1982 AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 90 1982AIPC...90..331B Bizau, Wuilleumier,Dhez, Ederer, Picqué, Legouët, Koch..................ADS Observation of ionization of laser excited sodium atoms by synchrotron radiation X-RAY AND ATOMIC INNER-SHELL PHYSICS, X-82: 1982 International Conference. 1982 AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 94 1982AIPC...94..645K Koch..................ADS Atomic Physics Experiments Combining Synchrotron Radiation and Lasers: Present Capabilities and Future Possibilities Atomic Inner-Shell Physics. Edited by Bernd Crasemann. Published by Plenum Press 1985 New York, NY USA 1985aisp.conf..581A Anholt................ADS X-Ray and Bremsstrahlung Production in Nuclear Reactions Copenhagen Academy 1918......Pt 2..99B Bohr..................OOO D Deutsch. Phys. Gesell. 1908.......10..117F Franck, Pohl..........OOO 1908.......10..157M Marx..................OOO Die Naturwissenschaften 1920........8..973W Wagner................ADS Über die Grundlagen der Röntgenspektroskopie E Electrical Engineer 1896........22..534 Thompson..............OOO Roentgen rays act strongly on the tissues 1896........22..651 Frei..................OOO X-rays harmless with the static machine F Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstr. 1919.......26..211H Holthusen.............OOO G Gosatomizdat 1963.......III Cherevantenko.........OOO H Health Physics 1986.......44..115 Anderson, Hwang.......OOO Accelerator room photoneutron and photon background measurements using thermoluminescent dosimeters Helv. Phys. Acta. 1933........6..287C Casmir................OOO 1950.......23..381S Saurer................OOO 1954.......27..613J Jaunch, Rohrlich......OOO I Il Nuovo Cimento B 1965.......61..220K Kabasakal, Ramaswamy..SPR Inner-bremsstrahlung spectrum of 55Fe with a Ge(Li) detector International Journal of Electronics 1970.......29...65P Prasad, Mishra, Singh.................OOO Bremsstrahlung radiation from weakly ionized laboratory plasma Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 1967........3..124B Böhme.................OOO Anwendung von 85Kr–Bremsstrahlung zur Erweiterung des Dickenmeβbereichs 1967........3..262B Böhme.................OOO Dickenmessung mit 85Kr-Bremsstrahlungs- und 241Am-Quellen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Aluminium als Meßgut 1973........9...10B Brust, Richter........OOO Experimentelle Bestmmung der Energieverteilung der Bermsstrahlung im Direkstrahl eines 2-MV- Van-de Graaff-Beschleunigers 1984.......20...53B Baumbach, Fichtler, Melzer, Tictze, Ulrich................OOO The Determination of Density Variation in Radiation Protective Walls of Concrete by Means of Bremsstrahlung of 10 MeV from Linear Accelerator Izvestiya Uvssh. Ucheb. Zaved. 1960........1....3K Kruglov, Kovarzh, Lopatin...............OOO J Jahrbuch der Radiaktivität und Electronik (Jahrb. d. Radioakt. u. Elektr.) 1908........5..471S Schmidt............... check it. 1920.......16..190W Wagner................OOO Journal de Physique 1901.......10..653B Benoist...............OOO Journal of Applied Physics (JAP) 1979JAP....50.2484M Menon, Dagenhart, Davis, Gardner, Haselton, Kim, Ryan, Schechter, Stirling, Tsai........ADS Power flow along a 40-kV multimegawatt neutral beam line 1981JAP....52...22C Chu, Piestrup, Pantell, Buskirk...............ADS Soft x-ray production from transition radiation using thin foils Journal of Chemical Physics 1974JChPh..61.2925W Weatherly, Williams, Tsai..................ADS Emission of microwaves by molecules excited by fast passage Journal of Geophysical Research 1911JGR....16...25T Thompson..............ADS On a Variation in the Intensity of the Penetrating Radiation at the Earth's Surface Observed may 19 and 21, 1910 Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 1980JPhE...13..938B Bordas, Koch, Clout, Dorrington, Boulin, Gabriel...............ADS A synchrotron radiation camera and data acquisition system for time resolved X-ray scattering studies Journal of Theoretical Physics (Zh. Exp. Teor. Fiz.) 1963.......14..886D Dolbilkin, et al......OOO Journal of Theoretical Physics (IJTP) (same as previous J. ?) 1984IJTP...23..251G Garavaglia............ADS Polarized Electron Scattering on Spin Zero and Polarized Spin-1/2 Targets: Deep Inelastic Scattering, Elastic Electron-Muon Scattering, and Elastic Electron-Nucleon Scattering Journal of the Franklin Institute 1911......171..277D Davey.................OOO Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and General (JPhA) 1968JPhA....1..588H Hughes, Nicholson-Florence....ADS Intensity dependence of the inverse bremsstrahlung absorption coefficient in hot plasmas 1971JPhA....4..367K Kiraly, Thompson, Wolfendale............ADS Cosmic ray showers produced by muon bremsstrahlung 1972JPhA....5..460P Powar, Singh..........ADS Contribution of detour transitions to internal bremsstrahlung spectrum of 204Tl 1972JPhA....5..506P Pert..................ADS Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in large radiation fields during binary collisions- classical theory 1972JPhA....5.1221P Pert..................ADS Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in large radiation fields during binary collisions- born approximation. I. Elastic collisions 1972JPhA....5.1266H Heller, Sugai, Cheng, Chiao..........ADS The beat spectrum of the fission products from 252Cf and the associated inner bremsstrahlung radiation 1972JPhA....5.1320E Ehrman................ADS Straggling of moderately relativistic electrons 1973JPhA....6..533M Mudhole...............ADS On the external bremsstrahlung produced by beta particles in thin foils 1974JPhA....7.1167B Burkhardt, Zia, Owen..ADS Inner bremsstrahlung in electromagnetic zero-zero transitions in nuclei 1974JPhA....7.1726B Burkhardt, Zia........ADS Inner bremsstrahlung in electron pair creation in general nuclear transitions Journal of Physics C, Solid State Physics (JPhC) 1971JPhC....4.2258E Elliot................ADS Line structure in the continuous X-ray spectrum: a crystallographic approach in the kinematic approximation 1985JPhC...18L.567H Hayes, Kjaer, Pratt, Schonfeld.............ADS Diffuse X-ray scattering and far infrared absorption of barium and lead β" aluminas Journal of Physics, Radium 1948........9..212R Renard................OOO 1952.......13..429H Horowitz..............OOO Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA) 1924JOSA....8..487C Compton, Hagenow......ADS A measurement of the polarization of secondary x-rays Journal of the Physics Society of Japan 1982JPSJ...51.2999I Imazu.................ADS Nuclear Reaction Rates between Charged Particles at High Energies in a Magnetic Field 1983JPSJ...52.1224I Imazu, Irisawa, Takano................ADS Bremsstrahlung Rates in Fully Ionized Gases in a Magnetic Field Journal of Quantative Spectroscopics & Radiative Transfer 1982JPSJ...27..227L Lamoureux, Feng, Pratt, Tseng..........ADS Calculation of free-free Gaunt factors for 1 KeV electrons in a 1 keV normal density Ce plasma Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) 1966JQSRT...6..369K Kivel.................OOO Resonances in neutral bremsstrahlung K Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. Mat.-Pys Medd 1935.......13....4W Williams..............OOO L Lettere Al Nuovo 1983.......38..593D D'Ambrosio............SPR Electron-muon scattering in the electroweak unified theory M Medical Physics 1976........3..173L Levy, Waggener, Wright................OOO Measurement of Primary bremsstrahlung spectrum from an 8-MeV linear accelerator N Nature, London (Natur) 1904Natur..69..293H Heaviside.............NAT The Radiation from an Electron describing a Circular Orbit 1904Natur..69R.295A Ashworth..............ADS γ-Rays from Radium 1904Natur..69..342H Heaviside.............NAT The Radiation from an Electron Moving in an Elliptic, or any Other Orbit 1904Natur..69..365P Phillips..............NAT Radiations producing Photographic Reversal 1904Natur..69..436E Eve...................NAT Röntgen Rays and the γ Rays from Radium 1904Natur..69..462M McClung...............NAT Dependence of the Ionisation, produced by Röntgen Rays, upon the Type of the Rays 1904Natur..69..463B Barkla................NAT Polarisation in Röntgen Rays 1904Natur..69..535 Article...............NAT The Use of Light and Other Radiations in the Treatment of Disease 1904Natur..70...99 Article...............NAT Précis d'Électricité Médicale, Technique Électrophysiologie, Électrodiagnostic Électrothérapie, Radiologie, Photothérapie 1904Natur..70..342N Nutting...............NAT Atomic Structure in the Light of Secondary Spectra 1905Natur..71..390M McClelland............NAT Secondary Radiation 1905Natur..71..440B Barkla................NAT Secondary Röntgen Radiation 1905Natur..72..395 Book Review...........NAT X-Rays: their Employment in Cancer and other Diseases 1906Natur..73..365B Barkla................NAT Secondary Röntgen Rays and Atomic Weight 1906Natur..74..316S Soddy.................NAT The Positive Charge carried by the α Particle 1907Natur..75..368B Barkla................NAT The Atomic Weight of Nickel 1907Natur..75..535H Hackett...............NAT The Atomic Weight of Nickel 1907Natur..76..661B Barkla................NAT The Nature of X-rays 1908Natur..77..270B Bragg.................NAT The Nature of γ and X-Rays 1908Natur..77..343B Barkla, Sadler........NAT Classification of Secondary X-Radiators 1908Natur..78....7B Barkla................NAT The Nature of X-Rays 1908Natur..78..665B Barkla................NAT The Nature of X-Rays 1909Natur..78..665B Bragg.................NAT The Nature of X-Rays 1910Natur 1911Natur 1912Natur 1913Natur 1914Natur 1915Natur Soliciting references for this time frame. 1916Natur 1917Natur 1918Natur 1919Natur 1920Natur 1921Natur 1922Natur 1923Natur.112..723B Barkla................ADS The “J” Phenomena and X-ray Scattering 1924Natur 1925Natur 1926Natur 1927Natur 1928Natur 1929Natur 1930Natur 1931Natur 1932Natur 1933Natur.132..282B Born..................ADS Modified Field Equations with a Finite Radius of the Electron 1933Natur.132..892H Heitler, Sauter.......NAT Stopping of Fast Particles with Emission of Radiation and the Birth of Positive Electrons 1933Natur.132.1004B Born, Infeld..........ADS Foundations of the New Field Theory 1934Natur.133...63B Born..................NAT Cosmic Rays and the New Field Theory 1935Natur 1936Natur 1937Natur 1938Natur 1939Natur 1940Natur 1941Natur Soliciting references for this time frame. 1942Natur 1943Natur 1944Natur 1945Natur 1946Natur 1947Natur 1948Natur.162..186T Treacey...............NAT Nuclear Isomeric Transitions of Short Periods 1950Natur.165...69B Barnes, Stafford, Wilkinson.............ADS Photo-electric Disintegration of the Deuteron at 6.13 and 17.6 MeV. 1951Natur.168..468C Cassels, Stafford, Pickavance............ADS Proton-Proton Scattering at 146 MeV. 1952Natur 1953Natur 1954Natur 1955Natur 1956Natur 1957Natur 1958Natur 1959Natur 1960Natur 1961Natur 1962Natur 1963Natur Soliciting references for this time frame. 1964Natur 1965Natur 1966Natur 1967Natur 1968Natur 1969Natur 1970Natur 1971Natur 1972Natur 1973Natur 1974Natur 1975Natur 1976Natur 1977Natur 1078Natur 1979Natur 1980Natur.284..140H Huxley, Faruqi, Bordas, Koch, Milch...........ADS The use of synchrotron radiation in time- resolved X-ray diffraction studies of myosin layer-line reflections during muscle contraction Nuclear Instrumentation 1957........1..324J Jamnik................OOO Nuclear Instruments and Methods (NucIM) 1980NucIM.170....1A Andersen..............ADS Channeling radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (NIMPA) 1985NIMPA.240..567A Anholt, Hoffmann......ADS X-ray preheating of heavy-ion inertial fusion targets Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B (NIMPB) 1985NIMPB..10...49A Anholt................ADS X-ray studies of relativistic heavy-ion-atom collisions Nucleonics 1952 10 61 Lawson................OOO Nuclear Physics A (NuPhA) 1969NuPhA.134..457F Ford, Martin..........ADS Detour transitions in internal bremsstrahlung 1969NuPhA.138..685B Berenyi, Varga........ADS Critical study, internal brems spect from 32P Nuclear Physics B (NuPhB) 1981NuPhB.179..461C Contogouris, Papadopoulos, Papavassiliou.........ADS Large-pT direct photon production and opposite- side photon-hadron correlations in QCD 1981NuPhB.181..421H Horgan, Scarbach......ADS High transverse momentum pion and photon production in pp collisions at ISR energies Nuovo Cimento 1906 12 347 Alippi................GB 1934 11 461 Racah.................OOO 1957 6 1241 Bobel.................OOO O P United States Patents 1891 454,622 Tesla.................OOO System of Electric Lighting (Filed Apr 1891) 1892 514,170 Tesla.................OOO Incandescent Electric Light (Filed Jan 1892) [Tesla employed 15-20 KV high voltage pulses, up to 20,000 pulses per second, to produce visible light incandescense (including "glow discharge) in evacuated "tubes." Ultraviolet and X-ray radiations were also generated and subsequently studied.] PhD Theses/Dissertations (PhDT) 1907PhDT.........1A Adams.................ADS The Transmission of Roentgen-Rays Rays Through Metallic Sheets, and the Relatively Selective Absorption of Roentgen-Rays in Certain Metals. 1916PhDT.........3C Compton...............ADS The Intensity of X-Ray Reflection, and the Distribution of the Electrons in Atoms. 1917PhDT.........1T Thompson..............ADS High Vacuum Spectra from Impact by Cathode Rays. 1918PhDT.........1U Ulrey.................ADS An Experimental Investigation of the Energy in the Continuous X-Ray [Spectrum] of Certain Elements. 1923PhDT.........2T Terrill...............ADS Loss of Velocity of Cathode Rays in Matter. 1923PhDT.........3R Rollefson.............ADS Spectral Series in the Soft X-Ray Region 1924PhDT.........3C Chamberlain...........ADS Determination of Certain Outer X-Ray Energy Levels for the Elements from Antimony 51 to Samarium 62 1954PhDT........12M Maximon...............ADS Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production in a Coulomb Field at Extreme Relativistic Energies 1956PhDT........13K Keiffer...............ADS On the Energy Distribution at Large Angles of High Energy Electrons in Bremsstrahlung. 1981PhDT........37C Chu...................ADS Transition radiation as an X-ray source 1984PhDT........61R Reese.................ADS Coherent Bremsstrahlung and Channeling Radiation at Low Energies. Philosophical Magazine (Phil. Magazine) 1891 31 44 Boys, Briscoe, Watson...................IW On the measurement of electromagnetic radiation 1891 31 135 Letters to the editor...IW Conductivity of hot gases 1891 31 288 Wiedemann, Ebert........IW Observations on the paper by Prof. Trowbridge, “motions of atoms in the electrical discharge” (Phil. Mag. 5th series, vol. xxx. p.480, 1890) 1891 31 359 Hartley.................IW On relations between the lines of various spectra. 1891 31 368 Runge...................IW On the line spectra of the elements of Mendelejeff's second group 1891 31 415 Arrhenius...............IW Note on the electric conductivity of hot gases 1891 31 443 Preston.................IW The lightning discharge 1891 31 515 Thomson.................IW Note on the electrical conductivity of hot gases 1891 32 319 Letters to the editor...IW On Homologous Spectra 1891 32 321 Thomson.................IW On the discharge of Electricity through exhausted tubes without electrodes 1891 32 445 Thomson.................IW On the discharge of electricity through exhausted tubes without electrodes 1892 33 387 Ångström................IW On the intensity of the radiation of gas under the influence of the electrical discharge 1892 33 521 Ludeking................IW The action of the electric discharge on gases and vapours 1892 33 543 Warburg.................IW On the glow-discharge 1892 34 143 Paulson.................IW Auroras observed at godthaab 1892 34 280 Michelson...............IW On the application of interference methods to spectroscopic measurements.—II 1892 34 371 Liveing.................IW Note on Pluumlcker's supposed detection of the line-spectrum of hydrogen in the oxyhydrogen flame Phil. Magazine 1893 35 142 Swinton.................IW Experiments with high frequency electric discharges 1893 35 200 Baly....................IW Separation and striation of rarefied gases under the influence of the electric discharge 1893 35 506 Rimington...............IW Luminous discharges in electrodeless vacuum-tubes 1893 35 538 Goldstein...............IW On a property of the anodes of geissler's tubes 1893 36 45 Harvey, Hird............IW Some notes on brush discharges in gases 1893 36 300 Swinton.................IW Experiments with high frequency discharges 1893 36 551 Paschen.................IW On the emission of heated gases 1894 38 358 Thomson.................IW On the velocity of the cathode-rays 1894 38 418 Stoney..................IW Of the “electron,” or atom of electricity 1895 39 115 Burke...................IW On a suggestion by Professor J. J. Thomson in connexion with the luminescence of glass due to kathode-rays 1895 39 387 Herz....................IW On the glow-discharge 1895 39 389 Ayrton, Medley..........IW Tests of glow-lamps, and description of the measuring instruments employed 1896 41 230 Righi...................IW On the production of electrical phenomena by the Röntgen rays 1896 41 381 Rowland, Carmichael, Briggs..................IW Notes of observations on the Röntgen rays 1896 41 382 Wood....................IW Note on “focus tubes” for producing x-rays 1896 41 432 Elster, Geitel..........IW On the alleged scattering of positive electricity by light 1896 41 462 Streinitz...............IW On an electrochemical action of the Röntgen rays on silver bromide 1896 41 528 Lea.....................IW Röntgen rays not present in sunlight 1896 42 52 Fleming.................IW A further examination of the Edison effect in glow lamps Phil. Magazine 1896 42 162 Thompson................IW Some experiments with Röntgen's rays 1896 42 392 Thomson, Rutherford.....IW On the passage of electricity through gases exposed to Röntgen rays 1896 42 451 Cajori..................IW Search for solar x-rays on Pike's Peak 1896 42 453 Threlfall, Pollock......IW On some experiments with Röntgen's radiation 1896 42 530 Righi...................IW On experiments with Röntgen rays 1897 1899 1900 Under construction. 1901 1902 1903 5 685 Barkla..................IW Secondary radiation from gases subject to X-rays 1904 6 8 Eve..................... 1904 7 543 Barkla..................IW Energy of secondary Röntgen radiation 1904 8 67 McClelland..............IW 1905 9 531 Campbell................IW The Radiation from Ordinary Materials 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 10 375 Godlewski...............IW On the absorption of the β and γ rays of actinium 1905 __ ___ McClelland..............IW The Penetrating Radium Rays 1906 11 812 Barkla..................IW Secondary Röntgen radiation Phil. Magazine 1907 13 507 Bragg...................IW The influence of the velocity of the α particle upon the stopping power of the substance through which it passes 1907 14 408 Barkla, Sadler..........IW Secondary x-rays and the atomic weight of nickel 1907 14 429 Bragg...................OOO 1907 14 604 Beatty..................OOO 1907 14 618 Kleeman.................OOO 1907 14 653 Crowther................IW On the secondary Röntgen radiation from gases and vapours 1908 15 288 Barkla..................IW Note on X-rays and scattered X-rays 1908 15 663 Bragg, Madsen...........IW An experimental investigation of the nature of the γ rays 1908 16 550 Barkla, Sadler..........IW Homogeneous secondary Röntgen radiations 1908 16 918 Bragg, Madsen...........IW An experimental investigation of the nature of γ rays.—No. 2 1909 17 423 Madsen..................IW Secondary γ radiation 1909 17 739 Barkla, Sadler..........IW The absorption of Röntgen rays 1909 17 855 Bragg, Glasson..........IW On a want of symmetry shown by secondary X-rays 1909 18 909 Madsen..................IW The scattering of the β rays of radium 1910 20 370 Barkla..................IW Typical cases of ionization by X-rays 1910 20 385 Bragg...................IW The consequence of the corpuscular hypothesis of the γ and X rays, and the range of β rays 1910 20 642 Jeans...................IW On the analysis of the radiation from electron orbits 1910 20 849 Kovarik.................OOO 1911 21 270 Barkla, Ayres...........IW The distribution of secondary X-rays and the electromagnetic pulse theory Phil. Magazine 1911 21 648 Barkla..................IW Note on the energy of scattered X-radiation 1911 21 669 Rutherford..............OOO 1911 22 276 Campbell................IW Delta rays 1911 22 396 Barkla..................IW The spectra of the fluorescent Röntgen radiations 1912 23 317 Barkla, Simons..........IW Ionization in gaseous mixtures by Röntgen radiation 1912 23 987 Barkla, Collier.........IW Notes on X-ray scattering and on J Radiations 1913 25 10 Bohr....................OOO 1913 25 296 Barkla, Martyn..........IW The Photographic effect of X-rays and X-ray spectra 1913 25 657 Bragg...................IW On the production of fluorescent röntgen radiation 1913 25 772 Rutherford, Richardson..IW The analysis of the gamma rays from radium B and radium C 1913 25 832 Barkla, Philpot.........IW Ionization in gases and gaseous mixtures by Röntgen and corpuscular (electronic) radiations 1914 27 455 van den Broek...........IW On nuclear electrons 1914 27 488 Rutherford..............IW The Structure of the Atom 1914 27 499 Darwin..................IW Collision of α particles with light atoms 1914 27 541 Nicholson...............IW The high-frequency spectra of the elements, and the structure of the atom 1914 27 601 Oba.....................IW The absorption of γ rays 1914 27 675 Darwin..................IW The theory of X-ray reflexion. Part II 1914 27 703 Moseley.................IW The high-frequency spectra of the elements. Part II 1914 27 824 Marsden.................IW The passage of agr particles through hydrogen 1914 27 854 Rutherford, Andrade.....IW The wave-length of the soft γ rays from radium B Phil. Magazine 1914 27 881 Bragg...................IW The intensity of reflexion of X rays by crystals 1914 28 626 Bragg, Peirce...........IW The absorption coefficients of X rays 1915 29 407 Bragg...................IW The relation between certain X-ray wave-lengths and their absorption coefficients 1915 30 381 Bohr....................OOO 1915 30 745 Barkla, Shearer.........IW Note on velocity of electrons expelled by X-rays 1916 31 222 Barkla, Dunlop..........IW Note on the scattering of X-rays and atomic structure 1916 31 257 Barkla..................IW Note on experiments to detect refraction of X-rays 1917 33 129 Ishino..................IW The scattering and the absorption of the gamma rays 1917 34 270 Barkla, White...........IW The J transformation of scattered X-rays 1918 1919 1920 1921 41 309 Bragg, James, Bosanquet...............IW The intensity of reflexion of X-rays by rock-salt 1921 42 1 Bragg, James, Bosanquet...............IW The intensity of reflexion of X-rays by rock-salt.—Part II 1921 42 719 Crowther................IW “J” Radiation 1922 43 800 Darwin..................IW The reflexion of X-rays from imperfect crystals 1923 45 737 Barkla, Rhoda...........IW Notes on X-ray scattering and on J Radiations 1923 46 836 Kramers.................OOO 1924 47 1 Barkla, Dallas IW Notes on corpuscular radiation excited by X-rays Phil. Magazine 1925 49 251 Barkla, Khastgir........IW The J transformation of scattered X-rays 1925 49 1033 Barkla..................IW The J phenomenon in X-rays. (Part I.) 1925 50 306 Bragg...................IW The interpretation of intensity measurements in X-ray analysis of crystal structure 1925 50 1115 Barkla, Khastgir........IW The J phenomenon in X-rays.— Part II. Application to scattered X-rays 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 Soliciting references for this time frame. 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1956 1947 1918 Phil. Magazine 1949 40 351 Mitchell................OOO 1952 43 306 Lawson..................OOO 1952 43 659 Wilkinson...............OOO 1952 43 1003 McDiermid...............OOO 1953 44 169 Phillips................IW On the polarization of high energy bremsstrahlung 1954 45 748 Lawson..................OOO On the relation between Čerenkov radiation and bremsstrahlung 1954 45 1043 Friedlander, Keefe, Menon, van Rossum.......OOO Evidence for the β-decay of a K-meson 1959 4 1030 Fowler, Perkins, Pinkau.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.OOO Observation of the suppression effect on bremsstrahlung Philosophical Magazine A 1984 49 697 Reese, Spence, Yamamoto.................OOO Coherent bremsstrahlung from kilovolt electrons in zone axis orientations Philosophical Magazine Part B 1983 48 L39 Spence, Reese, Yamamoto, Kurizki..................OOO Coherent bremsstrahlung peaks in X-ray microanalysis spectra Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character (RSPTA) 1904RSPTA.204..467B Barkla................OOO Check it. 1909RSPTA.209..123K Kaye..................OOO The emission and transmission of Röntgen rays 1915RSPTA.215..253B Bragg.................ADS Bakerian Lecture: X-Rays and Crystal Structure Physical Review (PhRv) 1906PhRv...23..___A Allen................. Check it. 1914PhRv....4..217D Davey.................ADS The Mean Depth of Formation of X-Rays in A Platinum Target 1915PhRv....5..315C Compton, Trousdale....ADS The Nature of the Ultimate Magnetic Particle 1915PhRv....6..166D Duane, Hunt...........OOO Re-check 1916PhRv....7..489C Compton...............ADS The Theory of Ionization by Collision. I. The Distribution of Velocities of the Electrons 1916PhRv....7..501C Compton...............ADS The Theory of Ionization by Collision. II. Case of Inelastic Impact 1916PhRv....7..509C Compton...............ADS The Theory of Ionization by Collision. III. Case of Elastic Impact 1916PhRv....7..599W Webster...............ADS Experiments on the Emission Quanta of Characteristic X-Rays 1916PhRv....7..646C Compton...............ADS A Recording X-Ray Spectrometer, and the High Frequency Spectrum of Tungsten 1916PhRv....8..386C Compton...............ADS The Mean Free Path of an Electron in a Gas and its Minimum Ionizing Potential 1916PhRv....8..449C Compton, Benade.......ADS The Nature of the Collisions of Electrons with Gas Molecules 1916PhRv....8..753C Compton...............ADS A Recording X-Ray Spectrometer, and the High Frequency Spectrum of Tungsten 1917PhRv....9...29C Compton...............ADS The Intensity of X-Ray Reflection, and the Distribution of the Electrons in Atoms 1917PhRv....9...64D Davis.................ADS Wave-Length Energy Distribution in the Continous X-Ray Spectrum 1917PhRv....9..220W Webster...............ADS X-Ray Emissivity as a Function of Cathode Potential 1918PhRv...11..184B Benade, Compton.......ADS Elasticity of Impact of Electrons with Gas Molecules 1918PhRv...11..234C Compton, Benade.......ADS The Theory of Ionization by Collision. IV. Cases of Elastic and Partially Elastic Impact 1918PhRv...11..401U Ulrey.................ADS An Experimental Investigation of the Energy in the Continuous X-Ray Spectra Of Certain Elements 1918PhRv...11..430C Compton...............ADS Note on the Grating Space of Calcite and the X-Ray Spectrum of Gallium 1919PhRv...14...20C Compton...............ADS The Size and Shape of the Electron 1919PhRv...14..247C Compton...............ADS The Size and Shape of the Electron 1920PhRv...16...31W Webster...............ADS Quantum Emission Phenomena in Radiation 1920PhRv...16..464C Compton, Rognley......ADS Is the Atom the Ultimate Magnetic Particle? 1921PhRv...17...38C Compton...............ADS The Absorption of Gamma Rays by Magnetized Iron 1921PhRv...18..321W Webster............... Check it 1922PhRv...19...20C Coster................ADS On the Principle of Combination and Stokes' Law in the X-ray Series 1922PhRv...19...64J Jauncey...............ADS The Effect of Damping on the Width of X-ray Spectrum Lines 1922PhRv...19...68C Compton...............ADS The Width of X-ray Spectrum Lines 1922PhRv...19..429H Hughes................ADS Characteristic X-rays from Light Elements 1922PhRv...19..434M Mohler, Foote.........ADS The Beginning of the K and L Series of X-rays 1922PhRv...19..267C Compton...............ADS The Spectrum of Secondary X-rays 1922PhRv...19.1922J Jauncey...............ADS Secondary X-rays from Crystals 1923PhRv...21..301W Webster, Hennings.....ADS The Penetration of Cathode Rays in Molybdenum 1923PhRv...21..476T Terrill...............OOO Check ref. 1923PhRv...21..483C Compton...............ADS A Quantum Theory of the Scattering of X-rays by Light Elements 1923PhRv...22...37K Kirkpatrick...........ADS Continuous Spectral Energy Distribution within the X-ray Tube 1923PhRv...22..101T Terrill...............ADS Loss of Velocity of Cathode Rays in Matter 1923PhRv...22..226K Kirkpatrick...........ADS Polarization of X-rays as a Function of Wave-Length 1923PhRv...22..409C Compton...............ADS The Spectrum of Scattered X-Rays 1924PhRv...23...35R Rollefson.............ADS Spectral Series in the Soft X-ray Region 1924PhRv...23..439C Compton, Hubbard......ADS The Recoil of Electrons from Scattered X-rays 1924PhRv...23..575B Boyce.................ADS Soft X-rays from Heavy Elements, Tantalum to Gold 1924PhRv...24..168C Compton...............ADS A General Quantum Theory of the Wave-Length of Scattered X-rays 1924PhRv...24..209B Bowen, Millikan.......ADS The Extension of the X-ray-Doublet Laws into the Field of Optics 1924PhRv...24..478B Becker................ADS Soft X-rays and Secondary Electrons 1925PhRv...25..306C Compton, Simon........ADS Measurements of β-Rays Associated with Scattered X-Rays 1925PhRv...25..322T Thomas................ADS Soft X-Rays from Iron 1925PhRv...25..740R Rollefson.............ADS Characteristic X-Rays from Lithium 1925PhRv...26..289C Compton, Simon........ADS Directed Quanta of Scattered X-Rays 1925PhRv...26..433J Jauncey, Defoe........ADS Theory of the Number of Beta-rays Associated with Scattered X-rays 1925PhRv...26..724R Richtmyer.............ADS The Apparent Shape of X-ray Lines and Absorption Limits 1925PhRv...26..436C Compton, van Voorhis...........ADS Probability of Ionization of Gas Molecules by Electron Impacts 1925PhRv...26..739T Thomas................ADS Soft X-rays from Iron, Cobalt, Nickel and Copper 1929PhRv...34..553B Breit.................ADS The Effect of Retardation on the Interaction of Two Electrons 1930PhRv...35.1139A Anderson..............ADS Space-Distribution of X-Ray Photoelectrons Ejected from the K and L Atomic Energy-Levels 1931PhRv...38.1938K Kirkpatrick...........ADS Lateral Space Distribution of X-ray Photoelectrons 1932PhRv...41..405A Anderson..............ADS Energies of Cosmic-Ray Particles 1933PhRv...44..406A Anderson..............ADS Cosmic-Ray Positive and Negative Electrons 1935PhRv...48..462J Jauncey, Deming.......ADS Diffuse Scattering of X-Rays from Piezoelectrically Oscillating Quartz 1935PhRv...48..573Z Zener.................ADS Diffuse Scattering of X-Rays by Conduction Electrons 1936PhRv...49..275P Piston................ADS The Polarization of X-Rays from Thin Targets 1936PhTv...50..272B Bloch.................ADS On the Continuous γ-Radiation Accompanying the β-Decay 1937PhRv...51..835L Livingston, Genevese, Konopinski............ADS The Excitation of Characteristic X-Rays by Protons 1937PhRv...52..569F Furry.................ADS On Fluctuation Phenomena in the Passage of High Energy Electrons through Lead 1939PhRv...55..858W Wheeler, Lamb.........ADS Influence of Atomic Electrons on Radiation and Pair Production 1940PhRv...57...24G Goudsmit, Saunderson............ADS Multiple Scattering of Electrons 1940PhRv...57...75O Oppenheimer...........ADS The Production of Soft Secondaries by Mesotrons 1940PhRv...57..341S Stahel, Guillissen....ADS Bremsstrahlung of RaE 1940PhRv...57..388W Waldman, Collins......ADS Nuclear Excitation of Lead by X-Rays 1940PhRv...58...36G Goudsmit, Saunderson............ADS Multiple Scattering of Electrons. II 1940PhRv...58..292W Williams..............ADS Multiple Scattering of Fast Electrons and Alpha-Particles, and "Curvature" of Cloud Tracks Due to Scattering 1941PhRv...59..325G Guth..................ADS Radiative Transition Probabilities in Heavy Nuclei. Excitation of Nuclei by X-Rays 1941PhRv...59..481W Wu....................ADS Continuous X-Rays Excited by Beta-Particles of 15P32 1942PhRv...61..584W Weinstock.............ADS Theory of the Continuous X-Ray Spectrum 1942PhRv...62..334H Harworth, Kirkpatrick...........ADS Intensities of Monochromatic Continuous X-Rays from Atomic Targets of Nickel 1945PhRv...67..321K Kirkpatrick, Wiedmann..............ADS Theoretical Continuous X-Ray Energy and Polarization 1945PhRv...68..214H Havas.................ADS On the Interaction of Radiation and Matter 1946PhRv...70...87S Schiff................ADS Energy-Angle Distribution of Betatron Target Radiation 1946PhRv...70..127S Siegbahn..............ADS The Disintegration of Na24 and P32 1947PhRv...72...61L Lax...................ADS Absolute Sensitivity of a Graphite Ionization Chamber 1948PhRv...74...80H Hough.................ADS The Angular Distribution of Pair-Produced Electrons and Bremsstrahlung 1948PhRv...74.1707A Adams.................ADS The Absorption of High Energy Quanta. I. 1949PhRv...75...15L Longmire..............ADS On Simultaneous Beta-Gamma Emission from Nuclei 1949PhRv...75..329G Gideon, Miller, Waldman............... [Ref is wrong] 1949PhRv...75..425M Miller, Waldman.......ADS An Investigation of Bremsstrahlung by Means of the Nuclear Isomerism of Indium 1949PhRv...75..433L Lawson................ADS 88-Mev Gamma-Ray Cross Sections 1949PhRv...75..898S Schwinger.............ADS On Radiative Corrections to Electron Scattering 1949PhRv...75.1950K Koch, Carter..........ADS Determination of the Energy Distribution of Bremsstrahlung from 19.5 Mev Electrons 1949PhRv...76..264E Eyges.................ADS Straggling of Electrons near the Critical Energy 1949PhRv...76..527W Walker................ADS Absorption of 17.6 Mev Gamma-Rays in C, Al, Cu, Sn, and Pb 1949PhRv...76..836S Stearns...............ADS Mean Square Angles of Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production 1949PhRv...76.1724W Wang, Wiener..........ADS Spectral Analysis of 10-Mev Betatron Radiation by Nuclear Emulsion 1950PhRv...77..165K Koch, Carter..........ADS Determination of the Energy Distribution of Bremsstrahlung from 19.5-Mev Electrons 1950PhRv...77..425F Fano, Hurwitz, Spencer...............ADS Penetration and Diffusion of X-Rays. V. Effect of Small_Deflections upon the Asymptotic Behavior 1950PhRv...77..550B Bess..................ADS Bremsstrahlung for Heavy Elements at Extreme Relativistic Energies 1950PhRv...78..161K Katzenstein...........ADS The Radiative Collisions of Positrons and Electrons 1950PhRv...78..623B Berlin, Madansky......ADS On the Detection of γ-Ray Polarization by Pair Production ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up one level|Previous|Top|