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Shpitalnaja Alexandra A., Zakoldajev Ju. A., Efimov A. A.

The Problem of Time in in Geology and Stellar Astronomy

Translated from conference proceedings page 95.
The Problem of Space and Time in Modern Science
Leningrad 1990

Knowledge of the world is impossible to imagine without understanding the essence of the most general and abstract concepts-philosophical categories, reflecting forms, connections, the relationship of eternally changing life.

Categories arise in the process of the study and research [of] nature, society, [and] cognition and convey historical character. They concentrate the experience and practice of many generations of people.

One of these most abstract and universal categories is time. Geological time is a private realization of the philosophical category “time”. It characterizes the duration and sequence of geological processes in the earth’s crust, undergone together with the big biosphere changes during the long history of its development.

According to the Curie principle: understanding the essence of any natural object is impossible without taking into account the peculiarities/features that gave rise to its environment. The planet earth is a cosmic body. As part of the solar system, it refers to the galactic center. Geological time should be closely related to the period of revolution of the solar system relative to the center of the Galaxy. The galactic orbit of the Sun and the planets is the object of study of stellar astronomy. Thus, the problem of time in geology can not be solved without resorting to astronomy.

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