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Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Part I


Speaker _________________________________    Topic _______________________________


What is the audience for this speech? _________________________________________________




What is the specific purpose of this speech? ____________________________________________




In choosing a specific purpose, how can you narrow the topic so it will be appropriate to this audience?





Demographic audience analysis:  What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audience’s

age  ____________________________________________________________________________

sex _____________________________________________________________________________

religion _________________________________________________________________________

racial or ethnic background _________________________________________________________

group membership ________________________________________________________________

other (specify ____________________________________________________________________


Situational audience analysis:  What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audience’s

size ____________________________________________________________________________

response to the physical setting ______________________________________________________

knowledge about the topic __________________________________________________________

interest level in the topic ___________________________________________________________

attitude toward the topic ___________________________________________________________

disposition toward the speaker ______________________________________________________

disposition toward the occasion _____________________________________________________

(continued in Part II)


Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Part II


Speaker ________________________________    Topic ________________________________


Adaptation in the speech:  Answer each of the following questions.

What device(s) did you use in the introduction to gain attention from this audience?





What steps did you take to relate the topic directly to this audience in the introduction?







What are the main points of the speech? Why did you develop these particular main points for this audience?






What decisions did you make in choosing supporting materials for this audience?





What steps did you take to make your language clear and appropriate to this audience?





What adjustments did you make in delivery—rate of speech, volume, tone of voice, gestures, and the like—to communicate your ideas to this audience?




