

Grade Sheet for Oral Communications



______ Syllabus and Introductory Questionnaire (10 points)

______ Speech of Introduction (10 points)

______ Introduction and Conclusion (10 points)

______ Children’s Poem (10 Points)

______ Pet Peeve Speech (10 Points)

______ Speech of Personal Experience (10 Points)

______  _____ 2 Questionnaires (10 Points)

______ Toast and Presenting and Accepting an Award (30 points)

______ _____ 2 Questionnaire Papers and Audience Adaptation Papers  (25 points)

______  ____ 2 Self Critique Papers (25 points)

______ _____ Quizzes (50 points extra credit)

______ Test 1 (100 points)

______ Test 2 (100 points)

______ Test 3 (100 points)

______ Demonstration Speech and Outlines (100 points)

______ Speech to Inform and Outlines (200 points)

______Tribute Speech, Paper, and Commentary (75 points)

______ Persuasive Speech and Outlines (250 points)