

Instructions for Downloading a Powerpoint Player


It will be easier to print this out.


          Microsoft PowerPoint downloading





  1. Click on the above link
  2. Find the place on the page that comes up that says Download Now
  3. Click on those words     
  4. A box will open that says where do you want to store this.
  5. You will be in C:
  6. Click on My Documents.
  7. Then Click on the Button that says Open.
  8. The My Documents box will come up
  9. Double Click on the button that says Save.



Now this is an exe. file so you will have to install the powerpoint player on your machine. The following directions will cause the file to be installed on your computer.


  1. Click on the Start Button (bottom left hand corner of the screen)
  2. Find and Click on Windows Explorer
  3. Find and Click on My Documents
  4. Find your file (It will say Ppview 97.exe.)
  5. Double Click on that file.
  6. As different windows open, click yes and okay.
  7. Your computer will automatically put the folder on your C: drive in the Program Files Folder.
  8. You will be able to see it when you click on Start, then Programs
  9. You should be able to open the stuff on the website without having to open the Player now.